Friday, October 7, 2011

Tail Cases and Blackberry

Wednesday Oct 5, 2011
Malarque to Las Lajas 488 km

Leaving Malarque at 8 am we soon began a 115 km journey on loose gravel and corrugated dirt roads challenging my driving skills before rejoining blacktop for the rest of our travel day. I managed to part company with my tail bag on the dirt portion with map, blackberry and miscellaneous sundries locked inside. Fortunately Silvana following in the support vehicle retrieved it from the middle of the road. Shortly after I encountered another tail bag lying on the road and this too was collected and returned to Andrew. I've learned not to trust these bags on rough roads and now keep my essentials on my person. Our journey today took us south on Route 40 through the winding foothills of the Andes and provided us some stunning scenery. We arrived in Las Lajas late afternoon and stayed in a cramped hotel with four of our entourage staying in a residence a block away. Margie and I shared a small 2 bedroom apartment with my room located in an attic space with a small five foot high door accessed via a rickety ladder like stair. The accommodation was the only available in this area and everyone had to make a small sacrifice in this one star facility, however the evening dinner of fair dinkum pizza and some local beer shared with Debbie, Margie, Silvana, Hans and Linc made up for the minor discomfort.

Hans with the Andes in the background

Foothills of the Andes

Andrew, Hans and Paul during a rest stop

Our humble abode

Four fat guys under an eagle

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